Formation LMD

Master Management et administration des entreprises parcours International MBA

Nature :
Formation diplômante
Diplôme national
Type de diplôme :
Durée des études :
2 ans
Année post-bac de sortie :
Bac + 5
Niveau de sortie :
Niveau I
Lieu(x) de formation :
Créteil - Campus mail des Mèches
Accessible en :
  • Formation initiale
  • Formation continue

Domaine : Droit - Economie - Gestion
Mention : Management et administration des entreprises
UFR/Institut : UPEC - IAE Paris-Est
Site web de la formation :

Capacité d'accueil

25-30 students


The program is delivered by the IAE Paris-Est School 

The International Master’s in Business Administration (IMBA), taught entirely in English, is a  unique opportunity to study management in Paris in an international and stimulating environment. 

The IMBA is a very selective and  challenging full-time program in management. It gathers students from diverse academic, professional and national backgrounds (more than 80% international students), and is designed to provide skills in the core areas of business administration as well as an in-depth understanding of concepts, techniques and professional applications in various management disciplines.

The curriculum includes advanced courses that enable students to make optimal management decisions in an ever more complex business environment. It offers participants the opportunity to gain international transferable skills for the workplace.

The Master 2 is divided in two tracks : A French Track for French Speakers Engineers, Architects, Lawyers seeking a dual competence (International MBA - MAE) and an English Track intended for non french speaking students with at least a Bachelor’s Degree over four years (or 240 ECTS credits) in Management, Economics or Social Sciences, as well as students in other disciplines (Engineering, Life, Sciences, Law, Political Sciences, etc.) or junior managers who wish to advance their career.

It will lead students to:
- Broaden and deepen their general knowledge in Management and Finance
- Use their Knowlede and adapt it with an ethical and intercultural approach
- Get some experience in major French or International Companies
- Join the network of the IAE France and IAE Eiffel Alumni.

Compétence(s) visée(s)

It is designed to provide skills in core areas of business administration as well as an in-depth understanding of concepts, techniques and professional applications in several disciplines of management. The curriculum encompasses advanced courses which enables candidates to make optimal management decisions in an ever more complex business environment. Students will have also the opportunity to learn French,
The International MBA will help students to grow to take on broader responsibilities more efficiently, sharpen their strategic and analytical skills with an hands-on mentality and drive for results.

Poursuites d'études

After the first year of International Master in Business Administration, students can either continue in the second year, or apply in one of the 22 other specialized  and highly selective Master 2 from the Paris Est School of Management (IAE Paris-Est) provided they have a sufficient level in French (B2 minimum). They can also apply to most selective Master 2 programs in France (HEC, ESSEC, Dauphine, CNAM) or overseas (UC Berkeley).

Débouchés professionnels

General or Project Management positions in French and International Companies, Institutions or Organizations leading to highly diversiified careers in France, Europe or Overseas.

Environnement de recherche

More than an half of the Faculty are renomned researchers from our labs in Economics (ERUDITE) and Management (IRG). Students will have to do in the second year a thesis based on their 6 months internship and can choose an elective class Applied Research Methodology.


Additional information: If you would like to know more about this program and have access to our statistics (selectivity, satisfaction, success, professional integration), please complete the form by clicking on the following link: Access to statistics

Organisation de la formation

The program covers two academic years. Students can choose to apply to Master 1 or to Master provided they fullfil the requirements.

Master 1: From September until April
Master 2 (English Track): From September until February / (French Track IMBA-MAE) : From September until December

In Master 2 there are a joint courses between both tracks and more specialized courses for each track.

Class size is limited to 25 students. Classes include students from around the world (more than 16 different nationalities).

Master 1

Professional Experience: An elective 3-month work placement in France or abroad

Master 2

Professional Experience: 6-month work placement in France or abroad

Stage / Alternance

In the First Year (Master 1) cstudents can do an elective 3 months internship
In the Second Year (Master 2) students have to do a 6 months internship

Modalités de contrôle des connaissances

L’acquisition des connaissances et compétences est évaluée pour chaque UE par un contrôle continu et régulier (épreuves qui peuvent être écrites, orales ou pratiques). La réalisation d’un projet et la rédaction d’un mémoire de recherche seront également demandées, chacun donnant lieu à une soutenance.

The acquisition of knowledge and skills is assessed/evaluated for each UE by a continuous and regular assessment (tests that can be written, oral or practical). The realization of a project and the writing of a research thesis will also be requested, each giving rise to a defense.

Calendrier pédagogique

Master 1 : 490H - From September until April followed by a 3 month full-time work placement (elective)

Master 2 : 490H - From September until February followed by a 6 months full-time work placement


Niveau(x) de recrutement

Bac + 3


→ Application on E-candidat of UPEC from February 25 to March 24, 2025 (Deadline to Apply fo first session)

Check below the ATTACHED Document - Guidelines UPEC E-Candidat to apply online(PDF File) + ADMISSION requirements - No IAE-Score Message/ SIM is required but a minimum level of English Proficiency is required

→ Application on E-candidat of UPEC from February 25 to March 24, 2025 (Deadline to Apply for first session)

Check below the ATTACHED Document - Guidelines UPEC E-Candidat to apply online(PDF File) + ADMISSION requirements - No IAE-Score Message/ SIM is required but a minimum level of English Proficiency is required


Eric Hertzler

Patrick Fleurentdidier


Formation à temps plein
Bureau 106
1er étage - Bâtiment Gestion
Place de la Porte des champs
94010 Créteil
01 41 78 47 60

Formation Continue
Bureau 103
Place de la Porte des champs
tél : 01 41 78 47 32 (veuillez s'il vous plait privilégier les mails ou le formulaire)
Formulaire en ligne



Plus d'informations

Etudes et handicap

L’UPEC propose aux usagers en situation de handicap un accompagnement spécifique pour leur permettre d’étudier dans les meilleures conditions (aménagement d’études et des examens, accès aux locaux et équipements spécifiques). Plus d’informations en suivant ce lien.

Mis à jour le 21 janvier 2025